How Do I Write My 500-Word Essay For My Business School Application?

Business school application essays are designed for several purposes. First, admissions representatives want to make sure you know why you want to attend business school. This will help you down the road, and it also offers solid reasoning for accepting your application. Second, the school wants to get to know you. You’ll be spending several years under their guidance, and they need a sense of who you are.

Finally, business essays provide a format to showcase your analytical and organizational skills, proper use of grammar and the ability to present your case logically. These skills translate well in the business world. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, “Before you even think about writing your essays, you should take time for serious self-reflection by focusing on your strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations.” Spend some time thinking about what you want to say and how you want to say it as well as what you might offer to the business school of your choice.

Organize the Structure

Once you’ve listed out your objectives and have a basic idea of what you want to talk about, you need to organize the essay. For some people, using a linear outline helps to organize thoughts and provide a structure for the essay. Other people find linear outlines too confining and opt for a more free-form outline. Whichever way you choose, creating an outline upfront will help you stay on track while writing.

Avoid Unnecessary Information

Believe it or not, an essay requiring 500 words is actually shorter than you might think. College admissions advisers don’t have time to read lengthy personal histories and rambling musings from applicants. With so little space, you’ll need to keep your essay concise and full of useful, relevant information. U.S. News recommends that applicants “stick to the topics requested for the essay question or questions. An M.B.A. applicant’s credibility quickly sinks when he or she submits a lengthy essay that, while interesting, is not on point.”

If there’s an assigned topic or general idea, then make sure you stick to that topic. If not, then create a strong essay listing your best qualities and the reasons you want to enter business school. Consider this essay the first step in a long line of job interviews, and hone the language accordingly.

Proofread Thoroughly

Whether you’re writing a business essay or a personal story, you’ll need to spend some time thoroughly proofreading your essay. Proofreading means more than glancing over your essay to make sure you spelled everything correctly. Try these tips for effective proofreading:

  • Send the essay to a friend who writes or teaches for a living; he or she will be able to help you identify weak points and errors.
  • Read the essay out loud to yourself or a friend. Verbally reading your essay allows you and your audience to catch mistakes that your mind glosses over.
  • If you have time, rewrite the essay from memory based on your original outline and the ideas you created while writing. This may help you gain a fresh perspective and help solidify the points you made in the first place.

Your business school essay provides you with a great chance to show off your skills and attributes. You don’t have to be a writer to craft a solid essay, but you will need to spend some time considering what you want to say as well as the most effective way to state your case. Following these tips will help you prepare a stronger essay for your application.

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