What Is the Fastest Way to Earn a Business MBA Degree?

bizDo you want to earn your MBA? If you want to benefit from the greater career opportunities that this degree can create, it is time to learn about all of the different types of programs available and schools that you can apply to so that you make the best choice based on your needs. An MBA can lead to promotions, a higher salary, and a new leadership role, and many students are eager to earn their graduate-level business degree as fast as possible because of these facts. If you are not interested in spending the typical 3 years earning your MBA, here is a guide to how to earn your MBA faster.

Choosing a Degree Program with Low Credit Requirements

Several different factors affect the length of an MBA program, and one of these factors is the number of credits that students must earn to complete the degree program. For prospective students who want to expedite the process of earning an MBA after earning their Bachelor’s, the first step to finding the fastest way to earn the degree is to find programs with the fewest credit requirements. Credit standards vary from accreditation agency to agency, but the range is typically between 30 and 60 credit hours. If you want to degree the number of unit hours you must, choose an accredited program that is closer to the 30 credit hour standard as long as the program has a good reputation.

Online MBA’s and Accelerated Programs Expedite the Process

If you do not want to limit your course options and the knowledge you gain from school by taking a program with a low credit hour requirement, there are other ways to fast track your path to earning your MBA. Online programs typically have fast track schedules so that you can earn your degree in 12 to 18 months if you complete your coursework full-time while you are working. If you prefer to take your courses in a traditional classroom setting, there are traditional full-time programs that can be taken on an accelerated basis. When you take these programs, you will typically take a full-time summer loan and a winterim, where you complete classes during summer and winter break instead of taking a short vacation.

Salaries With an MBA

If you are not in a rush to earn your MBA, learning about the average salary for MBAs may light a fire under you. The demand for MBA talent is on the rise, and when demand is on the rise so is the pay. Based on statistics reported by the QSTopMBA.com, the number of MBAs hired by employers went up by 14 percent in 2013. The average salaries of these professionals was reported to be $90,602 in 2013.Candidates who are in growing hiring sectors make the highest salaries, but the finance sector is expected to show the most growth.

The MBA degree route that is best for you will depend on whether or not you are pursuing a specialization, whether or not you have a tight schedule, and whether or not you are in a rush to attain your degree. Consider your own schedule, compare the schools and the reputations of each program, and do not forget to assess the costs of attaining your degree no matter what path you take.


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